When visiting this website our hosting server automatically detects and logs the visitors IP address and the page that they have come from. All pages and images viewed within our website are also logged in the same way. This information is used by us internally to review our own website and to find ways of improving it. Once used, this information is discarded, it is never passed or sold to any third party.
We use online forms to enable web visitors to contact us regarding our services that we offer and promote, all details are treated in strict confidence. They are held securely within the company and never passed on or sold to any third party. By filling out a contact form you will be contacted by us regarding the matter you have requested.
We reserve the right to use information collected for an unanticipated use not previously disclosed. This will never involve any third party or disclosure of information. It will always be for an internal use. If you wish to opt out of this use you may do so at any time by contacting us.